Friday, January 11, 2008

Blog Post Two- FATE

After I read Oedipus Rex, I came out with a new understanding of fate. I always thought that no responsibility came with your fate, but after reading and discussing the story I now understand that responsibility comes with any action that you do. Even if it is predetermined by fate. No matter what you do you must take responsibility for your actions. Fate has a way of always circling back to haunt you no matter what you do to avoid it. If it is destined to happen it will. Like anything that you do, your fate must be taken into account as one of your actions too.
Oedipus shows this noble quality in Oedipus Rex by gouging out his eyes and banishing himself at the end of the play. He finds out that his prophecy had come true and followed the rules that he had given for his fathers murderer. He banished himself from the city to die in the wilderness a blind man by his own will. If Oedipus had not been as noble a character would he have taken care of his responsibility of his fate?

1 comment:

unknown said...

his nobility appears in the face of fate. that's the difficult part. could you be noble?